Beijing Declaration on
Promoting Universal Accessibility
Issued in Inclusion and Diversity:International Conference on Accessibility Development on October 15, 2018
(Main Text)
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I. We are representatives of research institutions, academic communities, social organizations and industry sectors from all over the world, meeting at Tsinghua University in Beijing on October 15, 2018. The Beijing Declaration on Universal Accessibility Development, issued in Inclusion and Diversity: International Conference on Accessibility Development, and guided by the China Disabled Persons' Federation and sponsored by Tsinghua University, represents our consensus on promoting universal accessibility development of the future of human settlements. Participants also include relevant government departments, professionals, industry practitioners and interested parties supporting the promotion of accessibility development.
II. Every human being faces obstacles to movement and perception throughout his or her life span, and accessibility is closely linked to the rights and freedoms of every life. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, about 15% of the global population currently has some form of disability, with a total population of more than 1 billion people, nearly 200 million of whom suffer from considerable functional difficulties. With the advent of the global population ageing and the rise in chronic diseases associated with longer life expectancy, the rate of disability around the world will rise further in the future, thereby more concerns are required.
III. On December 13, 2006, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Covenant reconfirms the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenants on Human Rights, reaffirms the inherent dignity and worth, and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, and it is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. To promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities and to show respect for the inherent dignity of persons with disabilities, eliminating "disability-based discrimination" with concepts and methods such as "Reasonable Accommodation" and "Universal Design" is an important way to achieve equal opportunities, effective participation and inclusive development.
IV. We fully understand that the 2015 United Nations' International Day of Disabled Persons took "Inclusion First: Accessibility Facilities and Empowerment to All Disabled Persons" as the theme to call on the international community to recognize the importance of promoting the empowerment and equality of disabled persons in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and to build inclusive and accessible cities. The UN's Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in 2016 passed "Quito Papers". Heads, ministers and high-level representatives of various states and governments shared a vision, namely, equal access to and enjoyment of cities and human settlements, seeking to promote inclusion, to ensure that all present and future residents are free from any form of discrimination, can stay in just, safe, healthy, convenient, affordable, perdurable and sustainable cities and human settlements for settlement and production, thereby improving the living quality of all people and promote prosperity.
V. In order to further promote a wide range of consensus and practice toward equality, inclusion and participation, we have fully realized that the construction of current human settlements follows the reality, importance and urgency of “universal accessibility” principles:
ⅰ. Accessibility between human settlements and basic services: many forms of poverty in the process of urbanization, differentiation of the level of social and economic development and spatial segregation will lead to more complex and acute contradictions while eliminating "disability-based discrimination", and some groups are easy to be omitted and ignored in the rapid development of social economy, bringing enormous challenges to the sustainable development of the whole society, thus it is a must to establish basic principles of universal accessibility in the construction of human settlements, social infrastructure and basic services, so as to provide equal and full-participation opportunities for all people.
ⅱ. Information accessibility: with the rapid scientific and technological progress and innovation of the information society, people's dependence on information technology and artificial intelligence is increasing. The difference of technical means in universal accessibility results in difficulties and inequality of information acquisition, processing and utilization. The obstacles of these emerging technologies make the groups inconvenient in mobility or perception lose the opportunities of communication and participation in the information society.
ⅲ. Establishment of universal accessibility development mode: in the process of defining and implementing universal accessibility development, deficiency of policies, legislation, planning, financing, construction, operation and governance in systematic link and synchronous implementation is the key reason for resulting in low efficiency of universal accessibility facilities and services, thus it is a must to rethink and recognize the fundamental effect of the development mode of general accessibility on human settlement construction and social services, so as to establish a development mode taking law as criterion, users as the center, actual demands as the basis, accessibility vision as the guide, accessibility system planning as the framework, overall arrangement of accessibility elements as the method, and actions as the plan.
ⅳ. Joint participation by multiple subjects: the continuous improvement of concepts needs to be guaranteed by concrete actions. The universal accessibility shall be improved in different levels, fields and procedures, including full participation and cooperation of multiple interest subjects: the government, enterprises and social organizations, to ensure full legislation guarantee, appropriate authorization to action subjects, timely supervision, inspection, assessment and weighing, and fully realize that the development of universal accessibility is a dynamic coordination process achieving "the biggest common divisor" in the whole society, and a continuous evolution and improvement process "always on the road".
VI. As a consensus, we should promote the development of universal accessibility in each field, and propose the following action proposals:
ⅰ. We realize the differences in the level of economic development, social habits, historical and cultural traditions and so on in different regions, thus we should focus on the relationship between universal accessibility and measures for local conditions, time conditions and personal conditions, respect for differences and levels of development, weigh and select reasonable goals and ways, and promote universal accessibility level in environment, information, services, employment, etc.
ⅱ. We realize that the purpose of universal accessibility is to promote equality, inclusion and full participation of the whole society, thus we should focus on all interested parties and groups with different obstacles in behaviors and perception, including but not limited to sex, age, culture, religion, somatopsychic disturbance, etc. At the same time, we should also realize that we must focus on the groups more sensitive to and highly depending on eliminating obstacles and realizing equality, such as children, women, the disabled and poor elderly. In realization of universal accessibility vision, these groups need more help and concerns.
ⅲ. We urge relevant governmental departments and all interested parties to fully incorporate ideas and principles of universal accessibility in formulation of laws and regulations, policies, standards and development planning, respect differences between diversified groups, guarantee deep participation and wide negotiation of disabled groups in accessibility matters, promote the autonomous ability of the disabled in participating in living and production activities, and take laws as criterion to monitor the implementation of universal accessibility in various steps, so as to guarantee the basic appeal of eliminating discrimination between different groups.
ⅳ. Under the premise of obeying relevant policies and laws, we should enhance cooperation and communication, share knowledge and experience and break through the barrier in industries and sectors because universal accessibility is welfare of all people and needs contributions from all of us.
ⅴ. We are determined, through the Beijing Declaration on Universal Accessibility Development, to strengthen our confidence in multiple challenges of urbanization in the 21st century, deepen our recognition on social equality, inclusion and sustainable development, and promote our implementation of the above ideas in each specific action, making our common vision come true.
The Institute for Accessibility Development (ADI), Tsinghua University, was founded on April 23rd, 2016, when was the 105th Anniversary of Tsinghua University. It is a school-level transdisciplinary research institution built with the approval of Tsinghua University and managed by the Center of Tsinghua Think Tanks. It is supported by the China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF) in conjunction with related state ministries and commissions, such as Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Civil Affairs, and National Council on Aging.
The ADI, initiated by the School of Architecture, jointly-built by the Academy of Art & Design, the School of Social Sciences, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Computer Science and Technology, attached to the Center of Tsinghua Think Tanks, Tsinghua University, is positioned as the national new-featured think tank and transdisciplinary innovation platform.
On May 16, 2019, the Sixth National Self-improvement Model and Excellence Conference for Disabled Persons was held in Beijing. President Xi cordially met with all representatives in the Great Hall of the People. At the meeting, the Institute of Accessibility Development of Tsinghua University was awarded the title of "National Advanced Group for Disability Assistance".
Users refer to those who are impaired in terms of actions and perception, including people with disabilities, elders, children, and people with temporary mobility impairments. Interdisciplinary research involves public policy, law, design, technology, products, education, etc. In terms of research and application, it serves the huge social development needs in the future, and reshapes and enhances our living environment and quality of life.
Development Direction
ⅰ. Consultations and Research on China’s National Conditions: systematically research on living conditions and basic needs for people with disabilities and solutions of improving their social, economic, political, and cultural values, which contributes to providing scientific advice for policy makers.
ⅱ. Human-settlements Environment and Technology Innovation: supporting and guiding interdisciplinary research, including cross innovation in such areas as architecture, planning, industrial design, mechanical manufacturing, internet, healthcare and rehabilitation, social science.
ⅲ. Talent Training and Discipline Construction: managing research resources connecting with governments, the society and markets, and supporting discipline construction and talent training programs.
ⅳ. Social synergy and dissemination of ideas. Support the research and activities of NPO, NGOs and social enterprises, spread the concept of barrier-free through education and training, public welfare activities and industrial cooperation, and enhance social awareness and public participation.
Building a world class transdisciplinary research platform and promoting the development of accessible environments for all: based on global vision, international standards, and Chinese characteristics, Connecting well known corporations and organizations, world-class scholars and high-tech products.
Lei SHAO, Associate Professor of the School of Architecture, Executive Dean of the Institute for Accessibility Development, Tsinghua University; Member of the National Accessibility Construction Expert Committee; Director of the Accessibility Environmental Research Subcommittee for China Disabled Persons Development Research Association; Director of the Architects Branch of China Architecture Society; Director of China Planning Society; Secretary General of the Community and Housing Academic Committee for Urban Planning Society of China; Member of Standardization Committee of China Urban Planning Association; Director of Institute of Housing and Community, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University.
For a long time, he has been working on the research on urban planning and design, human settlement environment on accessibility for elders and persons with disabilities, and renovation of old buildings. He also engaged in revising national standards, specifications and guidelines, including Guidelines for Accessible Planning Standards in Xiong'an New Area, Accessibility Guidelines for Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, Accessible Universal Specifications, and Activity Center Standards for Elders. He won the WA Housing Award of WAACA 2018 and the second prize of the Architectural Design Award for Housing 2017-2018 of Architectural Society of China with China Institute of Building Standard Design and Research through completing the project of accessible renovation at the Cuncaochunhui Home for the Aged.
Accessibility is the basis of a sustainable inclusive society, the common denominator of the whole society, the basic condition of guaranteeing equality and dignity for all people, and also an important part of science, technology and art.
——Institute for Accessibility Development,Tsinghua University
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